{duration:02:24} {C:E7sus4 000200 Cmaj7 x32000 } {C:A7 x02020} [E7sus4] Doo doo doo duh dah D[Cmaj7]oo doo doo duh dah dahh [E7sus4]Dahh dah dah [Cmaj7]Doo doo doo doo duh dah[A7] {C:D7 xx0212 Cmaj7 x32000 } {C:E7sus4 000200 Am7 x02020 } {C:Asus2 x02200} The [D7]hand that wrote this letter sweeps the pil[Cmaj7]low clean[G] [D7]So rest your head and read a t[Cmaj7]reasured dream[G] [E7sus4]I care for no one else but yo[Cmaj7]u I tear my soul to cease the p[Am7]ain I think maybe you feel the s[E7sus4]ame What can we [Asus2]do [Cmaj7]I'm not quite sure what were supp[E7sus4]osed to do [A7]So I've been writing just for [Cmaj7]you[E7sus4] {C:D7 xx0212 Cmaj7 x32000} {C:E7sus4 000200 Am7 x02020 } {C:Asus2 x02200} [D7]They say your life is going v[Cmaj7]ery well[G] [D7]They say you sparkle like a dif[Cmaj7]ferent girl[G] [E7sus4]But something tells me that y[Cmaj7]ou hide When all the world is warm and t[Am7]ired You cry a little in the da[E7sus4]rk Well so do [Asus2]I [Cmaj7]I'm not quite sure what you're sup[E7sus4]posed to say [A7]But I can see its not o[Cmaj7]kay[E7sus4] {C:D7 xx0212 Cmaj7 x32000 } {C:E7sus4 000200 Am7 x02020 } {C:Asus2 x02200} [D7]He makes you laugh he brings you [Cmaj7]out in sty[G]le [D7]He treats you well and makes you [Cmaj7]up real fi[G]ne [E7sus4]And when he's strong he's strong for yo[Cmaj7]u And when you kiss it's something [Am7]new But did you ever call my [E7sus4]name Just by mis[Asus2]take [Cmaj7]I'm not quite sure what I'm supp[E7sus4]osed to do [A7]So I'll just write some love to [Cmaj7]you {C:E7sus4 000200 Cmaj7 x32000 } {C:Fmaj7#11 102200} [E7sus4]Doo doo Do[Cmaj7]ooo do [E7sus4]do dah dah dah do do wa[Fmaj7#11]h oo wah oh ahh